So we took down the crib…

Ready for a life update? Over the weekend, Casey and I went down to Chicago for a mini belated birthday getaway. He had surprised me with reservations for a delicious dinner, drinks and TICKETS TO SEE HAMILTON!!! (Yes, all caps was necessary.) Some of you may know, or maybe not… but I am a lover of all things musical. I’m a band nerd through and through and the national anthem is like an alarm to my tear ducts to open the flood gates. Anyway, we had a great time – it was super fun to go back to our old stomping grounds and enjoy time where the only responsibility was getting to the show on time.

I’m no theatre critic, but I will say this – Hamilton was incredible. If you have the chance to see it. SEE IT.

While we were out of town, Dane stayed with Casey’s mom and dad – which he loves. We feel super lucky we can leave him with his grandparents (both sides) and he’s in the best hands. The next day, we found out that Dane had climbed out of his pack and play during the night and surprised his grandpa around 3am. We were thinking, huh – kind of out of the ordinary but not shocking. Plus a pack and play isn’t super comfy and maybe he woke up a little out of place. No biggie.

Fast forward to Sunday night, watching the Super Bowl. We let Dane stay up a little later than normal because he was killing it dancing to JT’s halftime show. I’m not kidding – kid’s got moves. Anyway, we had our normal bedtime routine, only about an hour late. We were sitting in the living room, when we heard a tiny little voice from the staircase. Yup, he’d stealthily scaled out of his crib and the little stinker was refusing nu-night.

After 5-6 times of putting him down, closing the door, only to watch him EASILY jump out, we started to have mild freak outs. Dane’s room is upstairs, ours is down, and while he’s pretty great at navigating the stairs IN THE DAYTIME, night is another story. Well, we ended up putting a sleeping bag down and the baby gate up and we all got some sleep (luckily.)

After some obsessive google searching – we realized that he might be telling us he’s ready to say bye to his crib. He isn’t even two. How is that possible? But really, how is anything in parenting predictable? Luckily we had a twin size bed ready to go, and I picked up some bedding the vey next day.

Needless to say – Dane’s first night in his big boy bed went…. great! Other than the extra hour it took to convince him to go to bed that is. That part wasn’t awesome.  But once he was in and cozy, he slept all night through!

I never thought my little guy would be in a real bed before his 2nd birthday, but if I’ve learned anything about parenting – you have to roll with the punches and accept that some things are out of your control. I love the bedding we picked up from Target – I’ll link it below!

Hope you all have a great week, I’ll be back on Thursday with a post about salads that I promise won’t be boring. 🙂


Just Ask... (17)

Quilt, Sheet Set, Sham Also recommended – this side rail set from Regalo, super easy to put together and gave us the peace of mind he wouldn’t roll right out of bed!





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